Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This video has some awesome graphics.
This place has some awesome jewelry made of paper that I want to make!
Look up Frucci Design on etsy.


So this was my dream last night. 
I was riding a golf cart at this pony farm in the desert and all the ponies had beautiful blonde curly hair and I was jealous. Then Becca came over while I was looking at the ponies and she was eating this alligator like a push pop just squeezing it out of its skin and eating the meat. Then somehow I got to this place kind of like a big Costco and Sarah was there in the parking lot on a motorcycle with all these attractive frenchmen and they laughed at me because I couldn't speak french. Then I go inside and Natasha and Tess are there and they are buying stuff from this stand and I was trying to talk to them but they ignored me. So I walked to the back and all this time I was wearing this red silk sheet and a belt around the center. So I walk to the back of this store and there is this big fat worker or something and he has this curvy sword and there are all these extra big sized kitchen utensils and I grab a giant spatula and I'm trying to fight him off and he flings the spatula out of my hand so I grab some big axe looking thing and I chop the sword out of his hand and take it. Then I don't remember but I remember something about dogs doing funny things and one had a really big tongue and used it as like a blanket or something and I ended up in this really modern house with white walls.
I think I had too many blankets on my bed last night.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Flowers and Vegas

I have to present my paper tomorrow in front of my writing class and instead of re-writing and checking for mistakes I'm doing this. 
I took some pictures
I felt bad for these poor confused flowers because they grew when it was sunny and warm but then it started to snow again.
I went to Vegaz over the weekend and we got to see my beautiful sister and my baby nephew Tanner!
And don't ever eat at the Hard Rock Hotel. Nasty. But if you must go there get the BBQ burger it was delicious but switch the grilled onions on top for avocados. I miss my favorite baby already!
Oh we just are laughing so hard because Vegas is a big joke! Its only fun if there is a cute little Tanner there to entertain you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Roarin Thunds

I just heard my first thunder of the year! It reminds me of springtime and summertime and raintime. 

Best sound ever is sleeping in the summer with your windows open and it starts to rain. Except I live on 33rd so the little pitter patter of rain is interrupted by a semi driving behind my house. It still lulls me to sleep though, complete silence scares me.
Some day I wish to have a camera that will see things the way my eyes do. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cute Lil Food Items

I learned this Boom song in my french class. I also discovered today that there is an awkward product named elise.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I should be doing homework.


So I cleaned my room today and on my very last piece of clothing to hang up I found a male black widow spider hanging out on my bed.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I found some more music so everyone should listen to it cause it makes me happy and I just want to spread my happiness. I have way too many ways to listen to music. I have my blog with a playlist and on another tab I have pandora open listening to my Hot Chip radio station and then I have iTunes open looking up more music. The TV is also on and my mother is playing the piano upstairs. 
Too much input.
Oh and I think this weekend is World Pillow Fight Day.